Friday, April 6, 2007

These are the Days of the Harvest!

In the book of Joshua, we find an interesting chapter 3:15, it states "for the Jordan overflows all its banks during the whole time of harvest." These are the days of harvest and we are living in the overflow. God declared that in these days, He would pour out His Spirit throughout the whole earth!

In the book of Proverbs 10:4-5, we are told that he who has a slack hand becomes poor, but he that has a diligent hand becomes rich. The time to gather and to be alert is during sleep during the harvest is to cause shame. Hear me: this is the time to gather and not to sleep! DO NOT SLEEP IN THE HARVEST! Ecclesiastes tells us that if you observe the wind, you will not sow, if you observe the clouds, you will not reap.

Many people are waiting for perfect conditions in their lives before they will plant the seeds of their lives that produce an abundant harvest. Now, is the is the day! The enemy is the master of deception. Never let you head overide your heart. Stop relegating to God and stop trying to get Him to do what He has already commissioned you to do!

This must be the generation that excels in reaping the harvest. It is time to plant, it is time to expect, it is time to stand in faith and receive what God has promised you in your life. You will reap if you do not lose is your responsibility to get your harvest in.

There is a difference between the harvest and reaping. The harvest is what came up...reaping is getting in what came up! It is man who plants the seed...not God. It is God who makes it grow and multiply...not man. It is man who reaps the harvest...not God. It's never enough to just plant the seed, you must reap the harvest.

It's not God's job to plant the is your job! Plant the seed, trust God, and then when the harvest comes in...get your sickle out!

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