"For the days that I have set before you are days of harvest...days of reaping that which has been sown. Know, this, says the Lord, that every harvest is the direct result of seed! No harvest is accidental or happenstance...I am the Lord of the harvest and I speak words of life and command blessing over the seeds that are sown in faith and in faithfulness. The enemy wages battle against every harvest. There has never been a harvest without battle. There has never been a victory without war. Sharpen your swords, lift up your voice, prepare for the season of harvest in your life. This is not a moment, a day or a time of harvest, but a season. Do not be found lacking, do not be found slacking, disengaged or distracted. The enemy would try to divert your attention and cause you to miss even a part of your harves, and you do have a harvest! The harvest is not just for a few, and my call on your life is not just to particpate in somebody's else's harvest. I have placed a sickle in your hands, I have set before you the results of the seeds of your life.
Your harvest is the result of the words of your mouth, your faith, your action and the seed that you have sown in love. The harvest is not small, but substantial. The harvest is significant! I have also called those who will labor among you. I have raised up those who will encourage you, strengthen you and stand with you when the day of harvest grows long. Be in courage...the harvest is not for the faint of heart...train, prepare and ready yourself for the task at hand. Know that I delight over you and take great pleasure in the success of your harvest."