Monday, July 20, 2009

I Declare War!

We are at war!

I declare war on the enemy...on the spirit of and mentality of poverty, on the mentality of the small and ineffective church, on the lies and strategies against pastors, churches and ministers.

A Word from the Lord:

"These are the days of war! The enemy is pushing in on every side to discourage and dismantle the army of God.  His tactics are shrewd, but they never change - his position is one of the lie.  His force is built on falsehood and deception.  Many have fallen, many will fall, many will become ineffective in this day.  Many will look to methodology and will comfort themelves with the very tools that the enemy has lied to them about.

I call you to war - I call you to gird yourselves up, to strengthen your hands to stabilize your heart, to encourage your spirit, to take up the shield of faith and the sword of My Spirit.  Push in to Me as the Captain of the Host. I am rallying My people.  This is not a time kto get distracted by the affairs of this world, this is not a time to get distracted by the affairs of the church.  I am doing a work in this hour that is for this hour!  I am doing a work that is for this generation.  All over the earth, I am doing a fresh thing. My mercies are new every morning and I have not forgotten nor have I abandoned my people.  My word over you is yes and amen, my anointing over you is  "now" anointing.  Do not look to yesterday's standards or methods, do not lean upon or depend on yesterday's anointing.  It was for yesterday, stir yourselves up, know Me for who I am.  I am fully revealed in My word!  My word has been designed as a "today word", it is a living word.  It is able to sustain, strengthen, challenge, correct and guide.  Speak my word with life vitality and with authority, stand on it in faith regardless of your trials or circumstances. 

There are those throughout history that have proven My word.  They never bowed to the pressure of what is, but always lived by the possibility of what can be by My word.  The tactics of the enemy are revealed in My word, the strategies of his defeat are revealed in My word, the life of your success is revealed in My word.  My word is greater than your darkest moments, bigger than your biggest challenges, it exceeds your tribulations, it goes beyond your wildest dreams, it is your source of life and your key to happiness.  It is your peace, your health, your wholeness, your satisfaction.  All that you ever need Me to be is revealed in My word.

I have anointed you for this season.  I have equipped you for this battle.  I have raised you up and breathed into you the fresh life of authority and discernment.  Hear Me, listen to Me, I will shape your days, I will direct your paths and I will establish your appointments.  I will go before you and I will come behind you.  I will surround you on every side with My grace and My love.  Your life is secure in Me - I am your hope, I am your calling, I am the Lord your God!!!"

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