Ever been there? In the deepest, darkest recesses of the night...and the sun is brightly shining outside? Obviously, I'm speaking of the midnight hour that arises by virtue of circumstances in our lives...those times when nothing seems to go right or even worse than that, when that crushing sense of despair will not relent and no matter what you do, it won't go away on it's own, when that news of a particular situation hits you without any warning. Sometimes it's the stuff of life and sometimes it's a very strategic, aligned attack of the enemy against you.
I love the passage in Matthew 11:28, when the Master issues a call to those who have been "under the gun". He says; "come to Me, you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". The greek word for labor is "Kipiao" and it simply means to be weary from the toils of life. That is the "stuff" of life that we all go through...interesting to me however is the second word...Jesus doesn't stop at "labor", He goes on to address those who are "heavy laden". That's a completely different story! Now, He's talking about those that have come under very strategic attack. The greek word for laden is "phortizo" and it means to have a load or a burden placed upon you by somebody else. In other words, it's not of your making or your doing. Oftentimes, it can be the cruel words or insensitve actions of others or even the oversights of others that make your life difficult.
I believe that there are several principles that will bring deliverance and victory to your life. First of all, you have to realize that you ARE in a battle!! This is not the normal, everyday stuff of life...this is war! The enemy is after something precious in your life. He's after your purpose, your destiny, your anointing. He desires to disconnect you from your source of life, power and victory. He is attempting to get you out of courage and get you dis-couraged. When you are either weary from labor or under a strategic attack, you MUST position yourself to fight! You must surround yourself with others who are willing to fight and to fight well. It's critical that you begin to recognize and pull down the strongholds of the lies that have come against you and all that concerns you. When you are under attack, the "normal stuff" of Christianity won't cut it. You're going to have to have more than 3 hymns and a sermon...you're going to have to have more than a "feel-good" devotional. It's time to get serious about who you are in God, who the Word is in you and the stand that you are going to take! You will have to decide what are you going to put up with and what are you not going to put up with...and, the decision is completely yours. God will surround you with people who will fight for you and with you, but make no mistake about it...this is YOUR battle and the victory doesn't depend on others...it depends on YOU!
During a season of darkness, having the right weapon or scripture is essential to breakthrough. What does God say about your particular situation? Over the years, I have become more than convinced of my Father as my healer, I have actually become convicted. I have a deep, abiding, unshakeable conviction that I am the healed of God, no matter what the circumstances of my physical body say. His word is true and will not be denied. I am not moved by the questions of others and neither will I make healing promises relative to those who have not been healed. I can't answer their questions or understand why certain people have or have not been healed. I do know that His Word is true and I must find my place of authority based solely upon that. With every fiber in my being, I am convicted that healing and health IS the will of God and that Jesus purchased my physical healing on Calvary. So, settle the issue in your mind. This thing is temporary!! This too shall pass, no matter how dark it looks right now. No matter how painful it is right now or seems to sufficate you. God has already eternally addressed the very issue that you are struggling with right now and His victory is yours! Stand on it in faith. Mine out the specific word that is relative to what you are going through and let that become your position of faith and allow that to dictate your speech and to become your point of reference.
Jesus said very simply, "Come to Me". What an invitation!! What a beckoning and welcoming call! Notice He didn't say "get it all together, get it all figured out and then you and I can talk"? He welcomes those that are bruised, wounded and battle-weary! Come, just like you are...I want to embrace you, I want to surround you, I want to welcome you into my love, my peace and my resolve for your life. I can hear the Lord saying..."don't you know that I transcend what you are going through right now"? "Don't you know that I care deeply for you and am passionate about you walking in complete health and wholeness"? Don't you know that I can and I will heal you...spirit, soul and body"? His response to your weariness from the toils of life or the attacks against you from either the enemy or others in your life is that of rest. The Greek word for rest is "Anapauo" and it literally means to pause or permit one to cease from movement or labour in order to recover and collect your strength. To give you rest, to refresh you, to bring you into...and get this, patient expectation! To expect what? To expect the outcome of restoration in your life!
You were not designed to live a life of constantly being harrassed by the enemy. You ARE your Father's child and He desperately loves you. Hear Him welcome you into His arms of love and forgiveness...even in this midnight hour, know that He has a plan and purpose and a way of breakthrough for you and your best days are yet ahead of you! For the latter shall be greater than the former, and He has a peace and a prosperity for you that exceeds what you are going through right now in your life!
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